ACDSee Photo Studio for Mac 6.3
Release Notes

Build 6.3.1795

Bug Fixes

  • Added support for macOS 11 Big Sur.

Known Issues

  • In the File List pane, file type icon is missing if file type is .afphoto.
  • Assigning metadata via the Batch tool fails if preceded by a Move or Copy action.
  • Embedding ACDSee Metadata may fail if file type is PNG.
  • When embedding ACDSee Metadata, or writing GPS or Reverse Geocode info to many files, a delay may occur before the operation begins.
  • Search by EXIF Shutter Speed Value returns incorrect results. Workaround: search by EXIF Exposure Time.
  • Image doesn’t fit display when app moved to another monitor and Full Screen enabled.
  • File List items are sorted by name if items are uncataloged and sort method is based on EXIF or IPTC metadata.
  • Find Duplicates tool doesn’t work with iCloud Drive.
  • Restore Database will not begin if the database to be restored is currently open. Workaround: close all apps that are using the database to be restored.
  • Disconnecting an iOS device while importing will crash ACDSee.
  • Move to Trash will not work on images stored on cameras.
  • Batch Copy and Batch Move will not work for images stored on cameras.
  • PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol) not supported.
  • Develop mode changes are not remembered when group is deactivated.
  • No method available to view RGB values while using Eye Dropper to set White Balance.
  • Cannot copy read-only EXIF metadata values to the clipboard.
  • Cannot read any ACDSee Metadata embedded in BMP, CUR, DDS, EXR, GIF, HDR, ICO, JP2, MEF, PBM, PSD, or TGA.
  • Batch Copy operation hangs when Place in subfolder option enabled, “Date” token added to the Name, and date format includes slash character (“/”). Workaround: In System Preferences > Language & Region > Advanced… > Dates, remove “/” from the desired format.
  • Import ignores video portion of Live Photos.
  • Keyword/Category assignment may fail if target is unscanned image basket item.
  • ACDSee will not function correctly if the ACDSee database is locked or read-only.
  • ACDSee does not support multiple clients connecting to the same database. ACDSee will become unresponsive if trying to connect to a database that is already open in another instance of ACDSee.
  • Status bar count may be wrong if empty smart folder selected.
  • Watermark tool Center button doesn’t center watermark for all images in the Batch if images are different sizes.
  • Running Batch Add Watermark while an unsupported image is in preview does not apply watermark.
  • Compare Images Active View is empty if selected image is an orphan.
  • Startup time may be impacted if Image Basket contains many items.
  • External Editors feature does not support images on cameras.
  • Keyboard shortcuts assigned to commands that can be renamed, (such as Categories, Batch Presets, External Editors), need to be re-assigned if command is renamed.
  • On macOS 10.14 and 10.15, writing a Spotlight Comment fails with error “Source file not found”.
  • Adding media files (e.g. audio, video files) to Image Basket is not supported.
  • The folder tree fails to refresh after cut/paste or drag-and-drop Move operations. Workaround: View > Refresh Folders Pane (option + command + R).
  • PSD files cannot be placed on the Map.


  • It’s highly recommended to embed ACDSee Metadata prior to importing or restoring a database from a previous version of ACDSee.
  • When importing a previous version’s database, please ensure the previous version of the application is closed.
  • Importing a previous version’s database may cause the Date Modified timestamp to update but does not modify the actual contents of the database.
  • In macOS 10.15 Catalina, apps require permission before directly accessing files in certain folders and external volumes. Please allow ACDSee to access files when prompted, or as follows: go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Files and Folders, find ACDSee, and check the applicable boxes.
  • ACDSee writes metadata to a sidecar file in a hidden subfolder relative to the original file if filetype is HEIC